Тwo-day workshop for physical education for teachers of physical education and sports experts has been held on 1st and 2nd June 2019, within the framework of the “Support sport and physical activity of girls – ActiveGirls” project, which is being implemented under the Interreg IPA CBC Hungary-Serbian. The workshops was organized by the Hungarian project partners: Municipality of Szentes and Szeged Tisza Squash Sport Club, with the support of the Serbian partners: European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina and Provincial Secretariat for Sports and Youth.
The expert meeting was opened by Imre Szirbik, Mayor of Szentes, László Rák, project team member, and Sándor Rózsa, project external associate and researcher. On the first day, the participants had the opportunity to obtain answers from the experts gathered in the project to the following questions: what the difference between the sports activities of girls and boys is, how to keep girls interested in sports, what sports are interesting to girls, what the challenges of coaching girls are, what can be motivation and role models. Moreover, the results of the research carried out within the project were presented and the teaching material based on the research conclusion was distributed. The second day of the workshop was held in the sports hall in Szentes, where the participants were able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice at dancing, water polo, basketball, boxing, wrestling training sessions.
The next workshop for teachers of physical education and sports experts will be held at Banja Junaković in Apatin on 17-18 June 2019.