Support sport and physical activity of girls
Szeged Tisza Squash Sport Club
Identified in point CLVI. Law 26. § c.) year 1997 about non-profit organizations, the association carries out the following activities
- health maintenance, disease prevention
- teaching and coaching, skills development, dissemination of knowledge
- environmental protection
- child and youth protection
- sport
The activities of the association vary a lot. It has carried out the following activities and services, and organized the following events:
- Parents-children joint training, sport day
- Celebrated together the World Day of Squash with a tournament where 50 participants chased the ball for 24 hours
- We organized the First Annual Squash Galla in Szeged
- Easter Cup; 28 children participated in the tournament, who also got the opportunity to pet bunnies and search for hidden Easter treats
- Cooking competition, where more than 200 participants, such as families and groups of friends make delicious food
- Children’s Day; a day filled with music and handcraft opportunities for kids. The goal is to keep the spirit of Children’s Day alive, and share the traditions of the Hungarian handcraft culture
- We organized 3 bike trips for children and parents in the area of Szeged. During the trips, children got the chance to learn about the different sights in the area
- Camping in the Squash Club; 42 children participated in the event which also featured bonfire, breakfast making, putting up tents and various sports.
- Noszvaj, family weekend; Hiking, cooking, visiting wine cellars. Visiting the city of Eger and its famous castle, ‘Hungarian-Turkish Battles in the XVI.-XVII. Centuries’ historical exhibition; 56 participants
- Santa Claus Cup and children’s show. It has been a tradition that Santa Claus visits us. Quizzes and sport event.
Persons responsible for the events:
László Dobó, István Németh, Kata Takács, Miklós Pápai
Our association has several junior and senior players who are part of the national team. We feel full responsibility towards them and based on our experience, these athletes stand as role models for the other players of our association. They show good examples, they influence the motivation of both children and adults. We organise national tournaments for these players. Following our traditions, we worked on the inner organization of our association. We managed to include parents in voluntary activities, share our activities with schools, thus popularizing our association and the benefits of a healthy life with physical activities.
Address: Kenyérgyári út 3, 6728 Szeged, Hungary
Telephone: +36/30/218-2627
E-mail: sportE-mail: