In the period from 1 to 5 July 2019, partners from Hungary, Municipality of Szentes, hosted girls and their companions, PE teachers to participate in the summer sport camp, the camp gathered girls from Szeged, Szentes and Municipalities of Mali Iđoš, Čoka, Apatin, Vrbas, Novi Kneževac and Odžaci. The summer sport camp for girls aged 12 lasted 5 days with the aim to promote different sport activities among the girls and to present them health life styles.

On the first day, the girls had the chance to meet each other and learn about the camp programme, to go sightseeing in Szentes where they were to spend 5 days. On the first day they also had free time to spend in the swimming pool complex where they were accommodated.

They spent the second day in the sport hall where the girls were able to try different sports. They had a joint training where they could demonstrate their knowledge and experience in playing basketball. They also had the chance to learn about fencing and Kung Fu grips. After strenuous sports the girls had the chance to relax with dancing and swimming. The swimming instructor gave her best to show the girls how to swim properly, with breaststroke, backstroke, crawl and butterfly.

The third day was designed for canoeing along the local canal. For those girls who love adventures there was some time dedicated to the adrenaline park where they had the chance, together with their companions, to go down the zip line and enjoy free climbing.

On the fourth day the girls practiced morning yoga. After yoga, the girls from Vojvodina tried a new sport which is floorball, which they loved. Then they went to the court to try playing rugby.

They spent the fifth day by doing leisure activities at the pool where the girls enjoyed swimming.