On Thursday, 28 March 2019, the Provincial Secretary for Sport and Youth Vladimir Batez visited the municipalities of Novi Kneževac and Čoka. The purpose of the visit was the implementation of the project “Support to sport and physical activities of girls – ActiveGirls”, co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg – IPA programme of cross-border cooperation between Hungary and Serbia, with the total budget of EUR 210,865.04 of which the funds of the European Union (IPA) amount to EUR 179,235.28. On behalf of the Provincial Secretariat for Sport and Youth, the independent advisor for sport and project manager of Active Girls, Marko Adamović, also participated in the visit.
In conversation with the president of the Municipality of Novi Kneževac, Dr Radovan Uverić, member of the Municipal Council, Aleksandra Ranković, and principal of Primary School “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj”, Svetlana Tomaši Jevtić, Mr Betez has underlined that the support to the female sport is one of the priorities in the Sport Development Programme in AP Vojvodina. They also participated together in the PE class for pupils of fourth grade of the primary school “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” and walked through the sport field in Smiljevača, which construction in 2017, with two million dinars, was co-financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Sport and Youth.
The Provincial Secretary Batez also visited the primary school “Dr Tihomir Ostojić“ in Ostojićevo in the municipality of Čoka, where the project of cross-border cooperation was presented to the principal of that school, Mr Antonije Cicmil, school psychologist, Valentina Stokić-Rakin and the representatives of the local self-government, Mihajlo Popović and Radovan Budodalčev. They also visited the nicely developed classrooms and school hall for PE classes as well as the outdoor courts and beautifully designed school yard, where they took photos with a number of pupils and their teachers and class teachers.
Mr Batez used these visits to municipalities of Novi Kneževac and Čoka to see the situation of sport infrastructure on the territory of the mentioned municipalities so that in the next period, with joint funds, the sport facilities, especially the school sport facilities, could be recovered and equipped.