The opening conference of the project “Support sport and physical activity of girls – ActiveGirls” has been held at the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The project is being implemented by the Provincial Secretariat for Sports and Youth, Municipality Szentes in Hungary, Squash Club “Tisza” Szeged and European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina. The welcoming remarks to approximately hundred guests were given by Vladimir Batez, Provincial Secretary for Sports and Youth, Gabriella Hass, Assistant Director of the European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina, and Miklós Szigeti, Head of the Department for EU Projects of the Szentes Municipality.
The “ActiveGirls“ project was presented by Marko Adamović, Project Manager, Provincial Secretariat for Sports and Youth, whereas the activities of partner institutions were presented by Sándor Lantos, Project Coordinator (Szentes Municipality), István Németh, sports expert (Squash Club “Tisza” Szeged), and Jovana Rapajić, PR manager, European Affairs Fund of AP Vojvodina.
This project with the total budget of EUR 210,865.04 (out of which the EU con-financing is EUR 179,235.28) is being implemented under the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia. It is planned to last 24 months, whereas its implementation started on 1st June. The main objective of the project is to support co-operation in the field of sport to develop joint approaches that would tackle the issue of low level of physical activity among elementary school girls in the cross-border region. The target groups are girls of the whole Vojvodina and Csongrád County, their teachers, as well as their parents and the wider local community.
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